Friday, 29 August 2014

Elegant Model shoot (caitlin)

My second model shoot! This time it's my beautiful friend Caitlin. I decided on a more elegant look this time with natural make-up and a simple up style. 


Thursday, 28 August 2014

Trouble following my blog

Hi lovlies,

Just a quick post regarding how to 'follow' my blog (in case you've tried and haven't been able to). Apparently clicking the 'follow' button doesn't work (don't know what's going on there). Anyway Cassie's discovered you can click the two overlapping orange boxes just to the side of this and it should let you follow from there.


Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Creative Hair (annie)

Back in April at Easter (yes, sorry little blog, you have allot of catching up to do) I was blessed to be able to see two beautiful young women sing at the Shingle Inn. Annie and Imogen are both amazing and although I don't get to see them often because we live so far apart, when I do, I love it. :) I asked if I could do Annie's hair for the occasion and she said yes :)


Saturday, 23 August 2014

A chapter study of Romans

I love the book of Romans. I did a bit of a chapter study starting with Romans 1 and wrote down what I thought it meant to me and to us as Christians...

In this chapter Paul expresses a deep longing to visit the Roman church; to be able to encourage them and also to be encouraged. 11 ’I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong-12 that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.’ This is a great example of how important Christian fellowship is. And also that no one is ‘too Christian’ to be encouraged.

He then goes onto talk about God’s wrath against godless deeds of men. He talks about God’s eternal power being clear through creation and that we have no excuse for lack of faith. 20 ’For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.’ We can tell how great, powerful, wonderful, big and mighty our God is just from what He has made. Paul talks about those who, despite this knowledge, let their thinking turn selfish and foolish. He talks about people exchanging the glory of God for images. What is scary is that he says that God gave them over to their sinful desire. They didn’t take His word seriously and learnt to believe lies. They worshiped things rather than God and because of this God gave them over to their lusts. This needs to be taken seriously. Although these days we may not make idols to worship we often worship ‘things’ over God. By accepting lies in movies, music, foolish talk etc. we are learning to believe this rather than what God says is true. So in doing this we are no different. Yea...I’m worried. 25 ‘They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the creator’ 26 ‘Because of this God gave them over to their shameful lusts.’

This is big stuff. If we continue to put things in front of God or become part of the world and forget God’s truths we will be given over to them. The more we ignore the Holy Spirit’s prompts (which can only come from knowing the Bible and a relationship with God) they will no longer be there. We must repent when convicted otherwise after too many ‘next times’ we won’t have the conviction or the desire for God.

28‘Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, He gave them over to a depraved mind; to do what ought not to be done. ’This shows the important of holding on to truth- God’s word, the Bible. He says meditate on it day and night and here in Pauls letter is why. He knows us humans; we can easily stray so He says read the scriptures over and over so you won’t turn away. In psalms David says ‘Your word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you.’ We can’t follow God and be Christians without knowing His word. In this Chapter it shows what can happen to those who don’t. As believers we really need to read, meditate on and put into practise practice God’s word. This is so important even after we are forgiven in order to grow as Christians this is what we have to do. Paul says at the end of the Chapter- 32 ‘Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve those who practise them.’

I see this every day in teens and adults...there seems to be no fear of God in them (but the fear of the Lord is another big issue I'd love to write about some other time) There couldn’t be though, unless they knew God’s word so I suppose it makes sense. I guess this also shows the importance of purging evil from among believers. Least they approve of bad choices and lead you astray also.



Sunday, 17 August 2014

Urban model shoot (lyra)

I love doing make-up on people, doing their hair and then having a photo shoot. I find it so fun and I love it because I can be creative :) I've started with my little sister Lyra....we had some great fun and I think we scored some great shots! She's a natural model. :) 

I love browns, greens and beautiful


*these are all un-edited as I'm yet to find a good free editing site...if you know of one please let me know in a comment. thanks!

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

'A Wife of Noble Character'

I love the book of Proverbs. I’ve been going over chapter 31:10-31, ‘A wife of noble character’
No, I’m not married, but I can start to put these qualities I hope to have as a wife, into place now. I came up with these points:

-she brings good to him, not harm, all the days of her life. (I can start by doing this in my family...even when I don’t feel like it)
-she works with eager hands (I can practice this by working hard in my schooling, work for dad, when I cook etc.)
-she gets up while it is still dark (Yes...I guess I can start that too)
-her lamp does not go out at night (I can continue to work on good projects after completing my routine)
-she sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks. (I can work through my daily tasks vigorously without wasting time)
-she has no fear for her household (well neither do I ;))
-she is clothed with strength and dignity (Two qualities I can start praying God will teach me to have)
-she can laugh at the days to come (hmmm I guess I can stop worrying about the future)
-she speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue (I can use these years to study and memorize God’s word so that as a wife/mother I will be able to do this)
-she watches over the affairs of her household (When I am in authority I can practise this)
-she does not eat the bread of idleness (Lord help me not to do this...even now while I’m young)

‘Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.’

Lord help me focus on who I am on the inside and to grow in the reverential fear of you.

I think the thing I’m realizing is, that no one just suddenly becomes wise, or clothed with dignity or any of the things this woman is. It is learnt out of habit, out of prayer and out of reading the Bible. I want to start working on these things now so that one day they might become habits I’ll be thankful to have later on.
